Hacienda Tres Aquilas TM
Three Eagles / Drs. McCormick

On-line Study Course

Psychospiritual Analysis Certification


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An Apprenticeship Program

A Training Program for Individuals
Who Want to Study our Method.

This Independent Study Course spans 18 months and will consist of three integrated components; dynamic psychology, perennial philosophy and the equestrian arts /studies as a unique way to promote human development, advancement and leadership.  You do not need to know about horses to participate. However, the lessons gained from understanding the nature of horses, and exploring the various ways enlightened cultures for centuries have used the equine to benefit and inspire humanity will not only be educational but valuable and practically applicable to the work you do in your individual settings.

Our unique method is born of rigor and substance, based upon years of experience and study. We designed this Psycho-spiritual Analysis Course with these building blocks in mind so our apprentices (students) leave with a foundation built upon more than just “feelings and opinions.” Philosophically, we not only believe in experiential lessons but academic ones as well, which stress content as much as process.

We give you theory and practice so you can think critically, philosophically and act creatively. We give you assigned and structured study materials, readings and assignments.


Our 18-month Psychospiritual AnalysisTM program varies greatly from what we know of the others currently in existence. First, we have a uniquely designed model of working with horses and people. Our 18 month program is more academic because we expect our students to learn content in the disciplines of psychology, philosophy and the equestrian arts.

Since our expertise and higher degrees are in developmental /depth psychology we want our students to have a strong theoretical background in order to ground their perceptions and integrate and base their work.

We are also highly trained Equestrians in our own right. In our lifelong study of the Equestrian arts we have apprenticed and been trained for many years by some of the top International Ecuyers of Latin (Spanish, French and Portuguese) Dressage in the world such as Dominique Barbier and J.P. Giacomini. We are not only schooled in Latin Classical horsemanship but we are breeders and trainers of horses.

We not only know Doma Classical and Doma Vaquera from the Spanish Riding School but we know the diverse styles of training during different epochs in history such as the Baroque versus the Middle Ages. Our method is very unique and reflects our diversified but in-depth studies in the area of psychology, mysticism/philosophy and horses.

Following completion of the Course individuals will be given Certification.

Call for more information and prices: (830) 980-8453
or email: thomasm@gvtc.com

 “Problems have solutions, but mysteries don’t, because the more we understand a mystery the more we realize how much more there is to it than we had realized at the start. The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.”

Huston Smith, Foreword in The Cloud of Unknowing
edited by William Johnston.  Image Books 1973.


© 2004-2017 ~ Hacienda Tres Aquilas, LTD.
Last Updated: February 2, 2017
 Website Design: Deborah McCormick and Gary Poss