Hacienda Tres Aquilas TM
Three Eagles / Drs. McCormick

Retreats, Seminars, Classes, and Programs

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Other Classes and Programs
Try Something New
Be an Eagle
Soar High

Learn something new and fun. We all have inner resources and talents. Let us know what your needs are an we will design a course just for you. Enrichment has benefits

Personal and professional development classes are available for individuals and/or groups.

Individually Tailored
Come for an hour, 1/2 day, or 1 day.

New Ongoing Courses

A Retreat
Battle Ready for Life
Sometimes life doesn't go our way or it throws challenges in our path. Being ready allows us to enjoy the peaks and remain strong in the valleys.

2, 3, or 5 day retreat.
Call for more information and to arrange dates.

 Nature Series:
Renewing the Human Mind and Spirit
in our Modern World.

1 or 2 day classes or per individual requests
Call for more information and to arrange dates.

Where the Roads of Celtic and Eastern Wisdom Cross

Join us to learn more about this ancient wisdom and discover how relevant these teachings are today. Participants will find these philosophies, methods and tools useful in their daily and professional lives. We believe that consciousness is at the point of evolution and if we intend to be spiritual we need to nurture our inner and symbolic life. We also need to explore the mysteries within nature. These discoveries can reignite our state of wonder and awe.

During your time with us you will gain greater awareness about our role in the universe. We will explore the exciting concept of the’ cosmic man and woman’ and learn how being in nature with horses and other animals can cultivate this curious, dynamic and compassionate state of mind. This perspective gives us a vehicle to be more responsible and discover that the world is created by our own consciousness. Small Group retreat.

The Celtic Warrior Women Seminar
(An Inner Archetype for the 21st Century)
A Leadership Model for Women

Monastery of the Mind TM 
Training in Silence.
A New Path to Develop Intuition, Confidence and Empathy.

Lodging is separate.

Call for more information and prices: (830) 980-8453
or email: thomasm@gvtc.com

© 2004-2017 ~ Hacienda Tres Aquilas, LTD.
 Last Updated: February 2, 2017
 Website Design: Deborah McCormick and Gary Poss